Sasha von Arey is a wonderful, smaller sized 3 year old German Shepherd.
Sasha would like to tell you about herself:
My name is Sasha and my birthday is August 22, 2010. For 2-1/2 yrs. I lived in a VERY big house but 6 months ago me and my mom had to move into a VERY small apartment and I wasn't really allowed to be there and now I can't be there at all:(
I love to play and play and play. I love chasing balls and even when I'm playing with other dogs I love having a ball in my mouth- so please have a lot of tennis balls around! It doesn't matter who wants to play with me I love playing with them- kids, small dogs, medium dogs, big dogs and cats. Yes, even cats but for some reason they look at me funny and run away so I don't even bother with them. I love riding in cars with my head out the window. If you're taking me somewhere and need to go into the market for a little bit I'm fine just sitting in the car- I usually just sleep. Speaking of sleep- I love my own dog bed - human dog beds are boring- I can't hang my head off the end- same with couches- I just love my own dog bed. If you leave me alone during the day or when you go out at night I'll be sad but I'll just lay on my dog bed. Don't worry about your own furniture I won't eat any of it. P.S: I am very much housebroken too!